
Africa remains the most dynamic mobile market in the world

According to the World Association of Mobile Operators (GSMA), sub-Saharan Africa remains the most dynamic mobile market in the world, with its ever growing subscriber base. At the end of 2016, the region recorded 420 million single subscribers, a penetration rate of 43%.

With an annual growth rate of 6.1%, Sub-Saharan Africa is above the world average, and at this pace, this region could capture more than 1/2 billion unique mobile subscribers by 2020 (GSMA). The total number of SIM connections, which reached 731 million at the end of 2016, could reach 1 billion in three years.

GSMA believes that greater mobile access for under-16s, who make up over 40% of the population in most countries in the region, and women, will boost the growth of mobile phone subscribers.

The number of new subscribers is also growing. 115 million more are expected in sub-Saharan Africa by 2020. Countries with large populations in the region (DRC, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania) will account for nearly half of these new consumers.

In 2016, the sector generated US $ 110 billion in sub-Saharan Africa, or 7.7 percent of the region’s GDP. By 2020, the outlook is for $ 142 billion, or 8.6% of GDP.

Source: Agenceecofin

Author: Gova-Media