
Senegal: Opening of the largest Museum of Black Civilisations in the world

Senegal inaugurated on December 6, the much awaited Museum of Black Civilisations, the world’s largest museum of collection of black art.

This is now changing, with countries like Benin and Senegal, calling upon France and other western countries, to bring back most artifacts taken from their countries during the colonial era. France’s President Emmanuel Macron recently promised that African treasures taken without permission, would be returned to their countries of origin. Senegal is took a big step this week by opening the biggest Museum of Black Civilisations in world, which will welcome a large portion of those artifacts.

President Macky Sall attended the inauguration of the new Museum in the capital, Dakar. The construction of the museum was financed by a $34m (£27m) Chinese investment.

Image captionPresident Macky Sall cut the ceremonial ribbon at today’s inauguration
“The idea of establishing the museum dates back more than 50 years, to Senegal’s late poet-president, Léopold Sédar Senghor. Along with Martinican writer Aimé Césaire, Senghor was a creative force behind the philosophy of Négritude, which opposed the imposition of French culture on colonies in Africa and the Caribbean.”

Image copyright MUSEUM OF BLACK CIVILISATIONS Image captionThis striated kifwebe mask hails from the Democratic Republic of Congo

The museum will not be a commemorative monument, its director says, but rather a creative laboratory to help shape a continent’s sense of identity.

Built in a circular shape, the Museum of Black Civilisations’s architecture was inspired by traditional homes typical to southern Senegal.

Spread over an area of 14,000 m2 with a capacity of 18,000 pieces of art, the Museum of Black Civilizations, which will be used for the conservation of Africa’s cultural values.

For years, Dakar has been aiming to position itself as a cultural capital in the region. The opening of this museum is a big step towards achieving that goal.

Source: BBC

Author: Gova-Media