
Vaccination campaign – Proactive action against HPV and cervical cancer

Among the sustainable development goals (SDGs), goal number three is to promote and ensure good health and well being of people of all ages by promoting preventive and curative or generally provision and access to universal healthcare. In line with this SDG, focusing on health, actions are encouraged to foster public health, including different actions,…

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Kenya, second sub-Saharan African country after South Africa, to establish a human milk bank

Kenya’s first human milk bank has opened at Pumwani Maternity Hospital. "Pumwani Maternity Hospital was selected as the site for the pilot human milk bank due to the number of vulnerable neonates in need" (Mike Mbuvi, governor of Nairobi City County). Nairobi’s neonatal deaths (deaths during the first 28 days of life), is the highest…

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Johnson & Johnson Africa Innovation Challenge 2.0

Johnson and Johnson’s Africa Innovation Challenge 2.0 is here! As a result, all African innovators are invited to submit their ideas. Entries opened on Thursday November 8. The Africa Innovation Challenge is designed for the continent’s innovators to showcase new ideas. This extraordinary opportunity is in its second edition (first edition launched in November 2016) .…

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Uganda: 24 year old Brian Gitta developed a bloodless malaria test called Matibabu

The $33,000 Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation has been awarded to a 24-year old Ugandan engineer for his invention of a bloodless malaria test: Matibabu (meaning ‘treatment’ in Swahilo). Malaria infects some 300 million to 600 million every year around the world, according to Unicef, and Sub-Saharan Africa alone accounts for 90% of the world’s 580,000 annual malaria deaths.…

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Next Einstein Forum Launches “Scientific African” to help Boost Research From Africa

"Next Einstein Forum Launches Scientific African, an Open Access Multi-disciplinary Journal to Boost the Global Reach of Research From Africa." African scientists have long struggled to get their researches acknowledged and recognized on the continent and globally. To get more work of African scientists seen on a global platform, the Next Einstein Forum (NEF), an…

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Jaha Mapenzi from Gambia, nominated for 2018 Nobel Peace Prize

Jaha has fought against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize. She was nominated for the award by Jette Christenssen, a Norwegian politician, at the launch of the film ‘Jaha’s Promise’ in 2017. Christenssen said “ Her case is incredibly important not only for what’s happening in Gambia, but the…

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